
11 July, 2005

You might be a Jedi... The Canadian Version

You Might Be A Jedi If...(the “canadian” version)

-You are still in the queue for your cyborg hand.

-You keep voting for the evil emperor because "it's better the devil you know".

-Due to budget cuts, your army now consists of Jar Jar Binks and 3 thermal detonators.

-Chewbacca and Han Solo are legally married.

-You got arrested because you forgot to register your light saber.

-You don't have to worry about Jabba the Hut because he died of mad cow disease.

-You ever heard the phrase, "May the force be with you, eh."

-You have ever used the force to influence hockey games.

-The majority of your fellow Jedi vote "dark side" (especially the Ontario and Toronto ones).

-You think the ice world of Hoth "ain't so cold".

-You can't actually use you light saber because it has to have a saber lock on it at all times and be locked inside a saber safe with the light in a separate locked receptacle.

-All your spacecraft have all been grounded due to the KYOTO agreement.

-You were refused a position on the Jedi council because weren't fluently bilingual.

-Your Ewoks build dams.

-You believe the Death Star is only destroying planets because of its history of poverty, and if you are nice to it, it will go away.

-All pod racing advertising contracts went to friends of the Emperor.

-You have used your lightsaber as a source of heat.

-You have used your lightsaber to cut the blocks of ice for your ice diving... (a minor change here)

-You have sliced open a moose to escape the harsh cold of the average Canadian winter.

-Your lightsaber has a bottle opener on it.

-The storm troopers raiding your home and place of business wear red serge.

