
07 July, 2005

If they're going to continue their Jihad, when do we get to go Crusading?

I'm kidding of course... I am civilised enough to realise that this isn't a war on the Christian world; it only feels like it.

What this is though, is the continuation of a war that Islam has been waging ever since the Moors were thrown out of Spain. They have tried to militarily defeat civilisation time and time again... and they know they cannot do it. And so what alternative do they use? They use the moderate factions of Islam to take countries over from within. A case in point here is Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon; all countries that were predominately Christian before being taken over by Islam. How soon shall we reach the point where we are calling that land mass across the Pond Eurabia? Ask the French, Dutch and Belgians if that is a concern for them.

With regards to the terrorism and violence, if the moderates of Islam continue to protest their innocence; that they are indeed a faith of peace, then they must stop being passive in their combating of the islamofascists in their midst. They must take the lead in combating and educating their own; they must move their religion beyond the 6th century, and remove the levers that can be used to degrade their faith into a cult of death. They now remain in danger of all being branded as barbarians, unless they face this truth.

If they do not? At some point, the Western world is going to have no choice but to embrace the Zero-Option. And yes, accept the moral decision that leaves us with an ocean of blood on our hands. It is that, or let Civilisation slide down into the abyss of corruption, blood, bondage and slavery that has become Wahhabinist Islam. To embrace that flavour of Islam is to turn humanity's back on all achievements for the past 1500 years. That is not an option; we shall fight it unto the end of our days.

On another web-board that I read, someone said something very appropriate, I'll reproduce it here, though not entirely verbatim:

My heart goes out to the people of London, and the United Kingdom, in this hour of trial and pain, death and destruction.

My sword goes out to the criminal perpetrators; those cowards who are unable to grasp the concepts of honour, civilisation, tolerance, rationality, and justice.

After WWII, and the death of six million Jews, not a single person who has intelligence and a sense of right and wrong, will not embrace the statement, "We are all now Jews."

After the genocide in Rwanda and the death of 800,000 people there is not a person alive who should not be ready to intervene in a meaningful way; to shield such people from those who would exterminate them; if 800K is not enough, how many are? For allowing that to occur, the UN should be brought down to it's knees; it failed in it's primary mandate, never again means NEVER AGAIN. It then went on to bilk billions from the Iraqui Oil-for-Food program. Parasite.

After 9/11, we have all become Americans; if you had a sense of compassion, justice and honour, you stand with them and support the war on terror; after all, soldiers are always needed to stand against the darkness and kick at it until it bleeds daylight.

Certain western countries have forgotton this; my own has probably not forgotton but chooses the course of Chamberlain because our leaders are spineless and weak, interested only in winning the next election.

After July 7th? We have all become Great Britons; we must become Juggernaut, implacable in our purpose, for the Islamo-fascists merit nothing but death. We must hunt them down to the ends of this earth, eradicate their physical existence, harry their creed, destroy their medieval movement, and salt the very earth which sustains them.

The alternative is not an option.




Anonymous said...

Dude, I didn't know you had a blog...should have touted it sooner.

Anyhow...the sad fact is the Western World will keep taking these attacks and doing nothing conclusive about it.

So the future will be on of the following:
-Non-stop low and mid-level terrorist attacks every year or so
-Or the RIFs will get bored of attacking us
-Or they'll keep attacking us and eventually do something so terrible that even the tree-hugging commie pussies in our governments will be outraged to the point of action.

Such pussies tend to snap -hard- when finally taken over the brink, so Hillary Clinton will probably order nuke strikes after Al Qaeda bombs PETA or an abortion clinic or something. At least the end result of that might have some finality to it. We'll see.


Quilly_Mammoth said...

The future of the world, once again, rests on the Anglosphere. Though it may have, historically, been through bloody total assimilation we seem to be the people that have discovered that this Personal Freedom thing doesn't suck and in fact leads to a good life.


Anonymous said...

Your right, it does seem we have to go on our own crusade, however, it is the people of Islam that will have to go over the trenches first. I would say Moderate Islamists however have you ever spoken or listened closely to most of the moderates as they cry out platitudes. When you get down to it even the Moderates reject much of what Canada is supposed (take note I said supposed) to be about. It's going to take much "free thinking" and very liberal members of Islam to pull the world back from the cliff edge. Unfortunately I do not hear or see many of them.
Great blog enjoyed reading it, managed to put down on paper what I percolating in my brain. I've saved the link for future use.