
27 March, 2006

Quarter Ends are always fun... not.

So, it seems like every Quarter-End is it's own special flavour of hell... however some are worse than others, and no one can argue that March 31st isn't the King. The Grand Poo-bah of Quarters End. That lovely time of year where you work 18 hour days, and endure endless badgering from the sales executives... is it in yet? Is it in yet? Is it in yet? Is it ... etc. Ad infinitum.

That being said, I have the dubious distinction (thank gawd) of having attained my quota early enough that I do not have to personally scramble for $... though I have team members that are certainly in that boat. Dubious in that I have three more months job security. Yay.

Anyways, that's why the posting has been a little light lately... It will pick up again in April.

The best thing about the quarter ending March 31, is that you are normally so busy, that the arrival of spring, sunlight and warm temperatures inevitably takes you by surprise. Holy crap, it's actually warm out. :-)



Mood: irritated.

Music: Soundtrack to Gross Pointe Blank