The old Ominous Humm™ has proven true.
And so begins a new conText... and also the waiting.
*sigh* 7 yrs was a good run. We'll see what happens.
Worst case scenario, I could shoot pr0n for food, I suppose.
Ciao, peeps.
creativity, marketing, politics, food, science, books, rationality.
You could always move to NYC, I'm sure it's big enough for the two of us.
Hey, dude, that blows. From what you told me, getting another job shouldn't be too hard. I hope that's the case. Just don't be afraid to negotiate vacation time over pay, as needed! If you want to sell Advantech modems, or work for L-3 Wescam, lemme know!
Even though you sometimes hated it - that still sucks!
it's late in the season but i could use a gardener (lol) or you could always do dive tours in Lake Erie!
My only dilemma now is: Napoleon? Or Wellington.
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