
29 June, 2006

Jim Baen, Rest in Peace

Jim Baen October 22, 1943 - June 28, 2006

Follow the link to author David Drake's Obituary for Jim Baen. I don't think that anyone will be able to say it better than that.

Every once in a while, someone you have never actually met has a profound, personal impact on your life... Jim was such a person for me.

I started reading science fiction way back when I was about 13 years old, and have remained hooked to the genre ever since. Over time, more and more of the books that I found myself buying were Baen books... novels that had plot, action, story and depth.

I was in Austin, Texas back in '97, when I typed in a link that I had found in the back of a Baen book (I forget now which one it was), and came across Baen's Bar, the online message board / web board that Jim had started up and was an extension of the It was a small thing, only a few conferences, but the quality of the people there was something else. I had found my spiritual / intellectual home. These were smart people who could argue and debate using logic and reason.

I remember being the lone-Canuck... and finding myself explaining the love/hate relationship that Quebec has with the rest of Canada.

I remember one of Jim's comments on a discussion we were having about the War of the Traitorous Colonies (ie, American revolution)... I didn't know a single other person at the time that could use the words " base canard" in it's proper context. :-)

Jim's legacy will around for years and decades to come. From the friendship that he enabled to the stand that he took with e-Publishing (and which I have yet to see him properly acknowledged for)... indeed some have even met and married on Baen's Bar.

Jim will be missed; he was a man of vision who had the rare ability to execute that vision.

My condolences to his family, his friends, and the extended family. My prayers are with you.




Lola said...

It's always sad when we lose someone that means so much to us. Thank you for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

Nice commentary Mark, lola said it appropriately “thank you for sharing”.