
08 December, 2005

Short Vacations & Other Blasphemies

originally uploaded by The Imp;-).
I was on a boat, in the Bahamas from November 26th through December 3rd… and while scuba diving is definitely one of my favourite things in the world to be doing (right after sex and before shooting {firearms, you perverts!}), ;-) I think that maybe doing 5 dives a day may be a trifle excessive. By the end of the trip you are somewhat exhausted. The daily schedule is something like this:

7:00 - wake up. Morning ablutions, and prepare dSLR camera for first dive (housing, o-rings, CF card, strobe charge, etc.).
8:00 - breakfast! Mmmmm… fooooooood.
9:00 - Dive! Dive! Dive!
9:45 ish - snack, prepare camera for second dive (change out CF card, download to portable hard drive, etc.).
10:30 ish - Dive! Dive! Dive!
11:45 ish - shower, change into dry clothes, prepare camera for third dive (change out CF card, download to portable hard drive, etc.).
12:00 ish - Lunch! :-D Mmmmmmmm… food.
2:00 ish - Dive! Dive! Dive!
3:30 ish - snack, prepare camera for fourth dive (change out CF card, download to portable hard drive, etc.).
4:00 ish - Dive! Dive! Dive!
5:00 ish - shower, change into dry clothes, prepare camera for fifth dive (change out CF card, download to portable hard drive, etc.).
6:00 ish - Dinner! Mmmmmm…. Food.
7:00 ish - Night Dive! Night Dive! Night Dive!
8:00 ish - shower, change into dry clothes, change out camera CF card, download to portable hard drive, etc.
8:30-11:00 ish - Drink rum.
11:00 ish - 7:00 sleep. Mmmmm….. Sleep.

So, after 5.5 days of diving, you've done some 27 dives and are more than ready to come home. The plus side is that your liver needs the rest that going back to work will bring. :-) Even better, you've lost 5 lbs from all the friggen finning you've done over the week. :-)

Weather was nice… 27-30 Celsius all week. :-) Weather back home is… -7. Grrrr...

Getting back to work is never fun though, especially when there has been a re-org in your absence. The job is still there, but I'm part of a team now… oye vey, didn't anyone write down in my file, "Does not play well with others!"? I'm pretty sure that we addressed this as far back as Kindergarten. ;-)

I have to move from my alpha-cube/real-estate to some yet-to-be-determined cubicle-from-hell, in order to be close to my new team. *shudder* I'll give it a go… not exactly like I was given a choice, but I always find it somewhat disconcerting that management needs to keep trying to fix that which isn't broken; that is what has slowly happened to the group I worked with over the past 5 years. I should write a book on it… "When M&A's Become Your Doom" … oh hell, I'm sure Scott Adams (Dilbert) has already take care of that for me. :-
Anyways… happy holidays and all that good stuff.




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