
31 December, 2005

Calibrate Monitor, check!

As I get closer to having an Honest-To-God gallery-style show of my scuba photographs, I have compiled a basic checklist of the Things That I Need To Get Done. Paramount of these was to calibrate my monitor, before I actually got the prints made.

I've been doing 8.5"x11" prints on my Epson R800 printer for over a year now, with excellent results, however I would run into situations where the colours were just a little bit off, and when it's magenta instead of royal blue... well, the effect would be just a little startling. So, I finally bit the bullet and went out to purchase the Spyder 2, from Colorvision. Probably about the cheapest calibration tool out there, it was easy to install, setup and work through the wizard... finally I can say that I have the ability to produce prints that are exactly as I see 'em on the screen. Mwah ha ha.

The next step is to finish off Photoshopping about 30 prints, which I should have done before the end of next week. At that point, I'm going to do a test run with an interent based printing service as well as a local bricks-and-mortar printer to see who will give me the best bang for the buck. The real cost in this entire endeavour will be the framing, I suspect. :-\ I'm still debating on the print size that I'm going to go with, but I'm leaning towards 16x20".


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