
04 February, 2006

It's a lovely day for...

Feeding DVD's endlessly into the gaping maw of my computer, as I finally make some progress on the hellishly boring task of backing up about 120 gigs worth of photos from the past year and a half.

Yay. Joy. What fun. (there's $10.00 in my pocket... it's yours if you come and finish the job for me.

Heh. Just kidding... ish. I'm actually getting alot done on the computer today, not only the archive project but also the post-procesing of photos from the past shoot. All online, all emailed to the girls. I'm actually going to suggest NOT sending out CD/DVD's unless they decide to come get 'em in person. It's getting a little expensive to mail out all those discs! lol

/me wanders off to do some laundry... may as well make the day completely productive. Bah.


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Quilly_Mammoth said...

Links to the pictures of the Hotties? Not that I intend to gaze upon them.....