
16 February, 2006

Cry Havok & Let Slip the Dogs of War: Will Apple Adopt Windows?

Column from PC Magazine: Will Apple Adopt Windows?

Or, "Let the holy wars begin, again."

Mwah ha ha ha ha.

What would you think of that Michael?! LMAO...

/me runs and hides.




Anonymous said...


This is a standard Dvorak troll. He throws this silly shit out every little while when his readership declines (Which it does, because he's an idiot).

It's flagrantly inaccurate for a bunch of reasons, starting with the fact that the Intel Mac's are just as proprietary as the G4 and G5's are. And they're just as tightly integrated at the OS level.

Mark Turuk said...

ah well. Such is life. :-)

michaelSurtees said...
