
29 June, 2007

Bald eagle soars off endangered list -

Bald eagle soars off endangered list -


Oh, relax. Just kidding. ;-)

27 June, 2007

Learning From Microsoft's Error, Google Builds a Lobbying Engine -

Learning From Microsoft's Error, Google Builds a Lobbying Engine -

Certainly not unexpected.

Damn Yankees, you've started yet another foreign war...

When I head south, I tend to head pretty far south, with TN being on the northern-edge of the range and Florida being the southern side. Hey, how much time does anybody really want to spend in Ohio? Pfffft. Speed-trap capital of the world.

There are a few things that I've grown to love over the years, from my trips to The South. My top-5 list would include:

  • the accent of every woman from South-Carolina that I have ever spoken with (there is just something about that accent...)
  • road-side BBQ. In Texas. Ok, there was some in Missouri that was pretty freakin' great too.
  • socio-centric worldviews, and the debates that ensue. ;-)
  • class 3 gun-ranges.
  • watered-down Yankee beer means being able to drink anyone under the table. Well, maybe not Greg, but he brews his own and trains constantly.

But the absolute number-one contribution of the United States of Yankee-dom to world civilization has to be, brewed ice-tea. Or Iced-Tea. Or Sweet-Tea. Whatever.

The Canuck version of Ice-Tea is flavoured-sugar dissolved in water... sickly sweet and not without some unique charm... but!!! It isn't what I have come to love. And so, I have started to brew ice-tea by the gallon, to take to work so I don't have to drink water all day long.

For the past two days in a row, someone has started to misappropriate my ice-tea from the clearly-labeled pitcher in the fridge.

It is time and past-time to declare war on the miscreant(s). I'm thinking about setting up a security camera to catch them red-handed, damnit. Article: Goodyear closing plant in Canada

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Goodyear closing plant in Canada
The Associated Press
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A Canadian mayor says Goodyear is closing a plant which will leave 165 people without jobs, a claim Goodyear says is speculative.

Collingwood, Ontario Mayor Chris Carrier confirmed the closure at a council meeting Monday night, but he did not announce a timetable.

He said 138 hourly employees and 27 salaried staff will be affected.

Goodyear spokesman Skip Scherer said no decision has been reached and that the mayor got his information from the plant manager.

"Any comments about the closing of the plant are speculative," said Scherer, who noted the sale of the plant is not complete.

The hose manufacturing plant was bought by the U.S-based Carlyle Group in March at the end of a bitter three-month strike.

Carrier's announcement follows recent word that Collingwood's Alcoa plant, which employs 330 people, is also scheduled to close soon.


Way to go unions... keep it up, please. :-)


Ciao, all you employed peeps... ;-)

26 June, 2007

Open up that bag...

Sales advice of the day:

If you're being sold a pig-in-a-poke, one should always open it up and take a look at the pig.

... ugh.

Ciao beautiful peeps; go out and bash a vendor, we probably did something to deserve it. ;-)

sarah on the rocks...

Originally uploaded by MMT1972
model shot from the weekend.

20 June, 2007 » Blog Archive » 10 Sales and Marketing Tips I learned from Strippers » Blog Archive » 10 Sales and Marketing Tips I learned from Strippers

I can say, from a decade of experience in the software industry... that Strippers have it made.

If I die and come back as a woman, I'm going to be so fscking rich. And the best lesbian _ever_. ;-)

Ciao beautiful peeps. It's a great day for an over-priced beer.

18 June, 2007

Czech pranksters sneak mushroom cloud into weather report

The state-owned CT2 broadcasts live panorama / weather streams from popular recreation areas in its morning program, fully automated 30 second pans. Initiative Ztohoven, a collective around Roman Tyc, somehow managed to inject a pre-recorded pan with a sudden atomic explosion in the midst of a beautiful countryside.

read more | digg story

17 June, 2007


Originally uploaded by Mark Turuk
gratuitous model shot.