
17 November, 2005

Isle of Arran & Other Lighting Tests

isle of arran
isle of arran,
originally uploaded by The Imp;-).
It's been a rough day. I need to get home and have a drink. Oye friggen vey.

JUST kidding. Sheesh. Hopefully Mom hasn't found this blog... she'll think I'm a bloody alcoholic.

Actually, I got a some pro lighting equip for my camera setup the other day, and didn't have a lot of stuff available to use for subject matter. Still life is good an all but you can only take so many pictures of oranges and apples, pears and bananas. Thankfully, I have a few drinking accoutrements that I can gracefully substitute and ensure a (hic!) smooth photoshoot...



03 November, 2005

Lest We Forget

Theo van Gogh (July 23, 1957November 2, 2004)

Van Gogh was murdered in the early morning of Tuesday November 2, 2004, in Amsterdam in front of the Amsterdam East borough office (stadsdeelkantoor) on the corner of the Linnaeusstraat and Tweede Oosterparkstraat streets. He was shot with eight bullets from a HS2000 (a handgun produced in 2000 in Croatia) and died on the spot. His throat was slit, and he was then stabbed in the chest. Two knives were left implanted in his torso, one pinning a five-page note to his body. The note (Text) threatened Western governments, Jews and Hirsi Ali (who went into hiding). The note also contains references to the ideologies of the Egyptian organization Takfir wal-Hijra.

01 November, 2005

Montréal Rocks!

Rue de Sherbrooke
Rue de Sherbrooke,
originally uploaded by The Imp;-).
I was in Montreal, Quebec for Wed / Thurs / Fri of last week. It was a 'team meeting' that consisted of a day of meetings, with much team building (drinking) thrown in. The night before... the night of... the hangover on Friday... etc. ;)

I had never been to Montreal before... hell, I had never been to Quebec before. This is not due so much to a dislike for Quebec as simply a lack of opportunity. There was always something else to do or see closer to Alberta... or Toronto... or Nassau... ;-)

The women in Montreal are without peer. They have this certain attitude about them that makes them positively alluring. Ask any guy that has been to Montreal, and he'll say the same thing. Montreal girls kick ass. :-) Sorry Toronto, but I'm going back...

So, thursday night devolves into drunken debauchery on Crescent Street. A $900.00 dinner (granted, there were 10 of us) Karaoke in the bar with hot Montreal girls... then closing out the night at 3 am at an exotic entertainment club called Kama Sutra. Yeah, good time all around.

Au revoir.

Mark ;)