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Barack Obama gave a speech in Germany and 200,000 people showed up.
There were so many Germans shouting and screaming that France surrendered just in case.
They also handed her a card that read "Re-Fueling Our Community" and was signed "The Gas Men."
Kilburn says she was stunned by the gesture and at first thought it was a stunt with Monopoly money. She later realized it was real cash and used it to fill her tank.
She said the Gas Men also helped five or six other customers.
The Canadian Press
June 13, 2008 at 2:26 AM EDT
NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE, ONT. — A girl was injured Thursday when a wild turkey flew into the side of a school bus full of Toronto students on their way to a performance at the Shaw Festival.
The girl was taken to hospital as a precaution after she was hit with shattered glass as the bird came through the window.
The incident occurred as the Grade 7 and 8 students from St. Mark's elementary school were travelling along Niagara Stone Road in Niagara-on-the-Lake on Thursday morning.
A teacher says the bird flew out of a wooded area and crashed into a window in the middle of the bus.
Teacher Rey Sandre says they heard “a smash or a bang” and found a turkey had flown through the window.
The driver pulled the bus to the side of the road, opened the door, and the bird got off the bus.
“The turkey just walked away,” Mr. Sandre said. “Everybody was in a state of shock.”
Wild turkeys look similar to farm turkeys but are smaller.
Wild turkeys are capable of flying and can cover more than a kilometre at a time while airborne.
A spokesman for United Arab Emirates Airlines says it will launch non-stop flights from the United States to Dubai.
The spokesman said, "We want to give Americans a chance to visit their money."
In the larger sense, Hillary Clinton ending her campaign is really kind of sad.
It means the Clinton dream of being a two impeachment family goes right down the drain.
When speaking in Montana, Barack Obama got a standing ovation when he said, "It is time to take back the country."
The bad news - he was on an Indian reservation at the time.
- Jay Leno
Time magazine says that former President Bill Clinton is pushing very hard for Barack Obama to choose Hillary as his vice president.
Bill says, "Hillary would be a great vice president - or a great ambassador to any country that's far, far away."
Yesterday was the five-year anniversary of President Bush's speech in front of the "Mission Accomplished" banner.
To celebrate, President Bush gave a speech in front of a banner that said, "Economic Recession Over."
10) It's April 24th, and yes it's snowing. WTF?
9) Nothing, absolutely nothing beats home-cooking to the extent that if you ask, they can tell you what the animal's name was, that you are currently eating… all organic, all the time. Incredibly tasty.
8) Helping to pull a calf… ah, the glamour of the farm.
Everyone thanks you 3M, for the giant plastic gloves that go up to your shoulders.
7) Setting up two 65+ yr olds with their first ever computer.
6) … and teaching them how to use the internet.
5) … on dial-up, 'cause that's all that is available out there.
They both ended up doing great, but I had to use a lot of analogies to get across the essential concepts. "Visualize the dial-up connection as a garden hose, and you have to fill a barrel with water... "
4) Going to a very rural, very evangelical church on Sunday.
3) Having it explained to me that Steve Irwin died because he spent too much time exploring non-christian cultures and not enough time exploring his personal relationship with Christ. The sting-ray was "A Divine Instrument of God's Will." Can I get an Amen?
2) Having to drive about 2 miles to get to the top of the closest 'hill' in order to get a very-intermittent 1 of 5 bars on my cell phone reception meter.
1) Wheels up, en-route back to YYZ, and having my first beer in 5 days. Ahhhhhh.
Canada just announced they may boycott the summer Olympics, because of China's treatment of Tibet.
When asked about the boycott, Canada's prime minister said, "I'm very angry at China - plus we suck at summer sports."
A big insurance company just announced they will give $10 million to anyone who can invent a car that gets 100 miles per gallon.
Meanwhile, Exxon says they'll give $11 million to anyone who kills that guy.
A couple of weeks ago an email was sent out notifying everyone that we would be making some security changes. One of those changes was to implement more secure passwords.
The new password policy will come into effect Monday at lunch time at which time you should reset your password. Below are the requirements for your new password. Please review them and have a password ready for Monday.
Password must meet the following complexity requirements:
Not contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name that exceed two consecutive characters
Be at least six characters in length
Contain characters from three of the following four categories:
English uppercase characters (A through Z)
English lowercase characters (a through z)
Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %)
Complexity requirements are enforced when passwords are changed or created.
For VPN users, you must come and see me to reset your VPN password after changing your network password.
If you have any questions, please contact me...
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John McCain have all said that they are the person who should answer the phone at the White House if it rings at 3 a.m.
Meanwhile, most Americans think that the White House should just get a receptionist.
1) We will be enabling a new policy within our domain that will create “password complexity rules” for all users. Once applied, all users will have to adhere to the following when creating a password:
· Cannot contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name that exceed two consecutive characters
· Must be at least six characters in length
· Contain characters from three of the following four categories:
· English uppercase characters (A through Z)
· English lowercase characters (a through z)
· Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
· Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %)